New generation non-invasive prenatal test
During pregnancy, fetal DNA travels from the placenta to the mother’s blood stream and circulates along with her own DNA. VERACITY is a new generation non-invasive prenatal test that accurately measures the fetal cell-free DNA in the maternal blood to detect the presence of fetal aneuploidies. VERACITY has been validated for both single and twin pregnancies.
The doctor or lab collects a blood sample from the mother’s arm and sends it to our state-of-the-art laboratories for analysis. At the laboratory, cell-free DNA is isolated from the mother’s blood and analyzed using our proprietary, new generation analytic and bioinformatic technology. Results are provided to your doctor in a few working days.
Know your prenatal testing options
Options | Accuracy | Safety | Time |
First Trimester Screening | Low (80 – 95%) | No risk of miscarriage | Can be done between 11 and 14 weeks |
Invasive Prenatal Diagnosis | Very High (>99%) | 0.5% risk of miscarriage | Can be done after 10 weeks (CVS) |
VERACITY New Generation Non-invasive Test | Very High (>99%) | No risk of miscarriage | Can be done as early as 10 weeks |